If you happen to be one of the unlucky women who suffer from iron deficiency, you know what it does to you. Or maybe you have lived with it for so long that you don’t even realize that you could feel better or look better.
You may only experience a dip in your iron once a month, right in line with your heavy period. And boy do you feel it! All the blood loss during your cycle can really tank you. As if the mood swings aren’t enough of a pain, you also get to deal with feeling weak and tired.
If that’s not what drives your iron down, you could have a hiatal hernia, a colon polyp, peptic ulcer, or colorectal cancer. All of which sounds much worse than having a heavy period.
Did you know that iron deficiency is the number one nutritional disorder in the entire world? Yep. It is. And our bodies need plenty of iron to function properly.
When we don’t get enough iron, we may experience pale skin, cold hands, and feet, swollen or painful tongue, brittle nails, weakness, fast heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath, weird cravings for ice or dirt, dizziness, headache, poor appetite, lightheadedness, or hair loss.
We Need Iron for Healthy Hair
Iron is a necessary mineral for having thicker, stronger hair. When we don’t have enough iron, well, we don’t have enough hair either.
Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body via the bloodstream. It helps the organs to function the way they are meant to. This also means that hemoglobin brings oxygen to the hair cells responsible for hair growth.

When you are iron deficient, then you are not getting the much-needed oxygen delivered throughout the body. Being as efficient as it is, the body knows how to get the oxygen where it is needed most. So, the blood delivers those nutrients to the lungs, heart, and other vital organs rather than providing it to the less vital tissues like the hair follicles.
For your hair, that is bad news. Your hair needs that iron, too! Without enough iron in the hair bulb, your hair’s natural growth cycle is stunted. A stunted hair cycle leads to those hairs falling out before they have a chance to reach their full length.
Home Remedies for Hair Loss Due to Iron Deficiency
Many people would prefer to exhaust all of the possibilities from Mother Nature before attempting any medications, supplements, or any chemical means.
Garlic Juice: Mmm. Yummy. Just squeeze some garlic cloves and massage that smelly juice right into your scalp on the thinning spots for a few minutes. Then, you’ll just rinse it with running water. (Or you leave it on and mix with a little salt, pepper, and olive oil to save for later. Just kidding.)
Fenugreek Seeds: Take a few teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and soak them in water for several hours. Next, you’ll mash them into a paste and rub it into the roots of your hair. Leave it on for twenty minutes and wash it out.
Ginger Juice: Most of us prefer our ginger juice sweetened with some carrot and apple, but this is just plain ginger. Grate it up and extract about two teaspoons of the juice to mix with 3 teaspoons of olive or sesame oil. Massage that into your hair and scalp, letting it sit for thirty minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Onion Juice: Yes, more delicious hair juice. Just dip a cotton ball into some onion juice and dab it onto the affected areas of your scalp. Then massage that foul-smelling juice in for a few minutes and leave it on for twenty minutes. Shampoo the onion juice out of your hair.
Black Pepper: Take one teaspoon of finely ground black pepper and mix it into two teaspoons of olive oil. Apply this mixture to your roots and massage it into your scalp for two minutes. Shampoo out.
Eating to Improve Your Iron Level
It’s pretty obvious that you’ll need to eat foods rich in iron to naturally boost your iron levels. This is a list of foods that you can eat to improve your iron level:
- Nuts
- Pumpkin, hemp, sesame, and flax seeds
- Dark leafy greens
- Dried fruit
- Seafood
- Red Meat
- Organ meat
- Apples
- Pomegranates
- Tomatoes
- Beets
- Beans
- Broccoli
- Whole grains
You will want to pair any iron-rich foods with vitamin C so that your body will absorb the iron. Citrus fruits are going to be a surefire bet to give you some vitamin C.
On the contrary, there are foods that will make it harder to absorb iron and should be avoided when you’re trying to increase your iron.
- Fiber-rich foods
- Dairy
- Calcium supplements
- Tea
- Soda
- Coffee
- Beer
- Wine
Your iron needs change as you age and depend on your activity level and menstrual cycle, as well. The majority of women between eighteen and fifty need about eighteen milligrams of iron. Athletes need more than this to sustain their healthy iron level. Menopausal women need less, a lot less. If you’ve experienced “the change” as so many women lovingly call it, then you only need about eight milligrams of iron per day.
Taking Supplements to Reverse Iron Deficiency Hair Loss

You can absolutely take iron supplements to combat your hair loss caused by iron deficiency. Taking a quality iron supplement is important.
A few of the top-rated iron supplements are:
- Slow Fe iron tablets
- Feosol Complete with Bifera iron caplets
- BeLive Iron gummies
- Floradix Iron + Herbs liquid/drops
If these do not contain vitamin C, then you’ll also want to take vitamin C with each of these to increase the potential absorption of the iron.
And IF you want to improve your chances of growing your hair back better than ever, consider adding Keraviatin to your supplement regime. It’s a power-packed multivitamin that is specifically formulated for hair regrowth, containing: Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Zinc, Selenium, L-Taurine, L-Cysteine, Bamboo Shoot/Stem Extract, Curcumin C3 Complex, Saw Palmetto Extract, Omega Max, and Bioperine.
Whew. That was a mouthful of good-for-your-hair ingredients!
A Hair Regrowth Treatment Plan
After you have exhausted your garlic and onion juice, pepper paste, and other such natural remedies, there are other proven treatments for regrowing a woman’s thinning hair.
Keranique helps you grow thicker, fuller, healthier hair. It is clinically proven to regrow hair with FDA approved ingredients. Keranique’s Hair Regrowth System is used by over 2 million women. Two million!

When coupling nutrition with a treatment plan, you can not only increase your iron levels and replace the hair that has thinned, but you can also expect that hair to come in even better than before.
Keranique provides its users with a three-step process to regrow hair.
Step #1: Keranique Shampoo and Conditioner
Keranique Scalp Stimulating Shampoo and Volumizing Keratin Conditioner were designed with a woman’s thinning, often brittle hair in mind. These two products work side by side to remove build-up and revitalize the scalp. The combination works to thicken and strengthen each strand to repair the hair shaft, reduce the amount of frizz and breakage, to restore shine, and mend those unwanted split ends.
Step #2: Keranique Regrowth Treatment
Keranique’s Regrowth Treatment has been formulated to function in conjunction with a woman’s body chemistry. It consists of the sole FDA- approved, clinically proven ingredient for regrowing hair and reinvigorating the hair follicles.
Step #3: Keranique Lift and Repair Treatment Spray
This is Keranique’s wonder spray that treats the hair while acting as a styling product that gives your hairstyle lift and protection from styling tools at the same time. This spray contains Keratin Amino Complex to repair damage, add shine, and support the hair.
Will Your Hair Regrow After Correcting Iron Deficiency?
Absolutely! Yes, your hair will grow back after you deal with your iron deficiency. That is great news, ladies!
But you will need to be consistent and patient. You cannot expect the hair to begin growing a week or two after beginning your treatment regime. As long as your iron remains low, your hair cannot fully recover. You must stay on top of your iron, as well as caring very purposefully for your hair in order for your hair to continue growing thicker and healthier.
Don’t Overdo the Iron
If you become overzealous in your quest to increase your iron, you can end up with one of these disorders:
Higher Susceptibility to Infections
If you have too much iron accumulated in your body, then you are at a higher risk of infection. Iron encourages the growth of microbes in our bodies.
Iron Poisoning
Too much iron can corrode the mucosa present in your intestines, resulting in nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Worse than that, it can kill you if you lose an excess amount of fluid and blood.
Hereditary Hemochromatosis is a genetic condition that produces excessive absorption of iron. This results in an overabundance of iron in the body which is harmful to organ tissue.
African Iron Overload
African Iron Overload is much like hereditary hemochromatosis. It differs because the iron builds up in the liver, bone marrow, and spleen.
In the End
Iron deficiency among women is no joke. It is a definite problem. We suffer it in our bodies and in our hair. In many cases, there is a simple fix. Just eat more iron in your food or supplements.
You do not have to suffer from thinning hair due to an iron deficiency. You can absolutely regrow your hair. And you can regrow an even better head full of hair than you had before the thinning. Keranique has done it for millions of women, it can do it for you, too.
Keranique would love to be your go-to resource for all things hair. Every woman deserves hair she can be proud of. Please SHARE with your friends and family who may be interested in the Keranique Hair Regrowth System and who want to learn more about how it works!
Remember: Please Take Care of Your Hair and Don’t Forget to Take Care of You!
Are you iron deficient and thinning more and more every day? Drop us a line below. We’d love to hear from you!