Love Your Hair From The Inside Out
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, KeraViatin, Thinning Hair

Love Your Hair From The Inside Out

When your hair starts to fall out or starts thinning and you have ruled out any health concerns, consider treating your hair loss in the following three steps. First, you will want to fill in the gaps in your diet with supplements that can help your hair regrow. Next, you’ll want to use an FDA-approved […]

Keranique Products That'll Treat Thinning Hair
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, KeraViatin, Thinning Hair

Keranique Products That’ll Treat Thinning Hair

If your hair has started to thin and you are looking for different products to help treat it, you’re in the right place. Here is a list of different products you should look for to achieve thicker and fuller hair in no time. Be sure to talk to your doctor about any underlying conditions of […]

How to Style Thinning Hair Without Making It Worse
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Styles, Hair Tips, Hair Trends, Keranique, Keranique Products, KeraViatin, Thinning Hair

How to Style Thinning Hair Without Making It Worse

When your hair has started to thin or fall out, it can be very hard to style your hair. If you use too much heat, get it done at a salon, or pull on it too much, you could be exacerbating the problem. You don’t want to pull out more hair if it is already […]

Why Minoxidil is the only FDA Approved Hair Growth Treatment
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products

Minoxidil is the only FDA-Approved Hair Growth Treatment

If you are looking for a way to regrow thinning hair or reduce hair loss, there are many ways you can help. Some natural remedies include eating healthier, taking supplements, reducing your stress levels, and using different products and/or essential oils. However, the best treatment is an FDA-approved treatment called minoxidil. There is another FDA-approved […]

How to Start Regrowing Your Hair
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, KeraViatin, Thinning Hair

How to Start Regrowing Your Hair

Thinning hair, hair that is falling out, bald patches, etc., can be very difficult to hide. No matter your age, it can be embarrassing and irritating. It can make you feel less than. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help you start to regrow your hair. In this article, we’re going to discuss […]

Best Styling Products for Thinning Hair
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Styles, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, Thinning Hair

Best Styling Products for Thinning Hair

If your hair is thinning or falling out, there are styling products that can help you achieve the look of thicker and fuller hair without making the problem worse. In general, you should look for a quality shampoo, conditioner, and regrowth treatment if you are experiencing hair loss. But for the sake of this article, […]

How to Help Regrow Your Hair with Products and Lifestyle Changes
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, Keranique Reviews, KeraViatin, Thinning Hair

How to Help Regrow Your Hair with Products and Lifestyle Changes

Hair problems are no fun. As you age, you may or may not notice that your hair is starting to thin or fall out. While it is true that hair thinning comes with the territory of aging, there are several other conditions that could cause hair loss as well. Even dealing with a stressful period, […]