How to Get Longer and Stronger Hair
Featured, Food, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Styles, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, Thinning Hair

How to Get Longer and Stronger Hair

While some people love short hair, others crave long and luscious locks. If you want to have the longest hair you can get, you will need to have healthy and strong hair first. Extensions can be a quick fix, but if you want to grow your hair out and have long hair that is all […]

Woman looking at a bald spot on her scalp in the mirror
Hair loss, Thinning Hair, True Life: I Use Keranique

The Emotional Toll of Hair Loss

Hair loss is an emotional journey for women. Hair is an important part of our appearance, it is part of our individual identities and dealing with hair loss can be incredibly difficult. After the initial realization that you may be experiencing hair loss, not being able to reverse the process overnight can be extremely frustrating […]

Elizabeth discussing her hair regrowth journey with Keranique
Hair loss, Keranique Reviews, Thinning Hair, True Life: I Use Keranique

Elizabeth’s Journey to Fuller, Thicker & Longer Hair

Elizabeth, just like many other women, began to experience hair thinning and bald spots. She was tired of feeling down about herself due to her hair loss. She said, “I was devastated when I realized my hair was thinning. Hair loss is embarrassing, and I lost my confidence. I was fed up with losing hair. […]

Should You Exfoliate Your Scalp
Hair Care, Hair Tips, Hair Trends, Keranique Reviews

Best Hair Products to Multimask With

Through multimasking, you can have healthy, strong and smooth hair in no time according to Bustle’s latest article, “Why You Should Be Multimasking Your Hair, Plus The Best Combinations To Try”. In the article, Keranique Micro-Exfoliating Follicle Revitalizing Mask is spotlighted as one of the best masks to use for congested, thin hair. This innovative mask […]