Everyone wants beautiful, long, healthy hair but do you ever worry about your scalp health? You probably only think about your scalp when it has an issue, like dandruff or dry skin and itchiness. However, you need to make sure to take care of your scalp along with your hair. Your scalp contains blood vessels that carry nutrients to the rest of your hair. The bottom line is if your scalp is not at its healthiest, your hair won’t be healthy either.

Here are some tips to take better care of your scalp:

Watch the water in your shower and bath. When you wash your hair, don’t use very hot water. Hot water can damage your skin and your sensitive scalp. It can cause your scalp to become dry, irritated, and itchy. Use lukewarm water and finish with cool to make sure your hair gets its shiniest.

Be extra careful with your scalp and your hair. Brush it gently. If you brush too aggressively, you could be pulling out your hair and aggravating your scalp. Be sure to shampoo gently as well. You don’t need to scrub your head too hard. A gentle massage while you shampoo is great! Be sure to pick a shampoo that will cleanse your scalp effectively and work for your hair type. If you tend to get dandruff, try using a shampoo that treats dandruff and using a scalp exfoliant about once a week. A scalp exfoliant or scrub exfoliates the skin on your head and can remove excess buildup, dead skin cells, oil, and dandruff.

Take your vitamins and probiotics. Omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics have been shown to help scalp conditions. Gut health has been linked to skin health, so taking a probiotic can help balance things out and help your scalp look and feel healthier.1

Know the signs of an unhealthy scalp and when to get special treatment. Signs of an unhealthy scalp are itching, bumps, extreme oiliness, burning, hair loss, or extreme dandruff. If specialized shampoos and other treatments are not working, you may need to see a dermatologist.

Look for products that can help improve your scalp. Products like this follicle boosting serum can help thinning hair and improve your scalp health. It nourishes the scalp and helps heal damaged hair to promote hair growth and strength.

Do you remember to take care of your scalp or do you only focus on your hair? Have you ever experienced a scalp condition or issues?

If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends and family who need to improve their scalp care!

  1. Information from Healthline

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