Love Your Hair From The Inside Out
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, KeraViatin, Thinning Hair

Love Your Hair From The Inside Out

When your hair starts to fall out or starts thinning and you have ruled out any health concerns, consider treating your hair loss in the following three steps. First, you will want to fill in the gaps in your diet with supplements that can help your hair regrow. Next, you’ll want to use an FDA-approved […]

Reasons Why Your Hair Might Be Thinning
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, Thinning Hair

Reasons Why Your Hair Might Be Thinning

It can be alarming to notice your hair start to thin out, especially if you have always had a thick head of hair. There are many reasons why your hair could be thinning or falling out and many of them are temporary. Often, with the right change in diet, product, or medication, your hair will […]