Dealing With Female Hair Loss At The Frontal Hairline
Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique Products, Thinning Hair

Dealing With Female Hair Loss At The Frontal Hairline

Imagine a beautiful person – someone confident and attractive. What are the attributes of that person? Nice eyes? A white smile? What about their hair? Chances are, the person who you imagined has a thick, lustrous head of hair – especially if they’re a woman. Having thick, beautiful hair is a massive part of self-confidence […]

Learn About the Different Types of Hair Dyes
Featured, Hair Care, Hair Styles, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products

Learn About the Different Types of Hair Dyes

Perhaps you dye your hair monthly or you’re strongly considering it. Either way, you should familiarize yourself with all the different types of hair dyes that are out there. Let’s break down each type so you can find out which one is the best for your lifestyle and your hair. First, there is permanent hair […]

How to Heal Your Thinning Hair By Summer
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, KeraViatin, Thinning Hair

How to Heal Your Thinning Hair by Summer

Can you believe that it’s already March?? That means we may only have a few weeks before summer weather arrives. Warmer weather means more outings. We won’t be able to rely on our beanies and bulky hats to hide our hair. This can be concerning if you are experiencing hair thinning or loss. So, what […]

Keranique's Best Solutions for Hair Regrowth
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, KeraViatin, Thinning Hair

Keranique’s Best Solutions for Hair Regrowth

It can be alarming to start losing your hair. Although there are other factors that can cause hair loss, if your hair loss is genetic or part of the aging process, there are ways in which you can regrow your hair. In order to do so, you’re probably going to have to use a regrowth […]

Some Struggles You May Face When You Regrow Your Hair
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products

Some Struggles You May Face When You Regrow Your Hair

When regrowing your hair, you can’t always expect an easy road. Depending on your type of hair loss, it could take some time for your hair to regrow even with the best products. Let’s go over some types of hair loss, how long it could take for your hair to regrow, and some struggles you […]

Female Hair Loss at The Temples: Causes and Treatment
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Keranique, Keranique Products

Female Hair Loss at The Temples: Causes and Treatment

Chances are, you’ve probably always associated hair loss with men. Going bald usually seems to be more of a guy thing, right? You don’t generally see women walking around rocking the Jude Law hairline or the full Jason Alexander. But the truth is, hair loss is a condition that knows no gender lines. Hair loss […]

How to Properly Use Shampoo and Conditioner for Your Best Hair
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products

How to Properly Use Shampoo and Conditioner for Your Best Hair

In this article, we’re going to discuss the proper way to shampoo and condition your hair. It might seem self-explanatory, but you might be surprised that you might have been doing it wrong after so many years! How often you shampoo and condition depends on your hair type, but it’s definitely something that should be […]