How to Deal with Thinning Hair
Featured, Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, KeraViatin, Thinning Hair

How to Deal with Thinning Hair

When you get older, naturally your hair starts to become thinner. While it is a common occurrence, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s not something that can be bothersome. If you are experiencing thinning hair, first you should make sure that you are getting enough nutrients. You’ll want to include protein, zinc, iron, and vitamin […]

How to Get Rid of Dandruff and Itchy Scalp Fast
Featured, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products

How to Get Rid of Dandruff and Itchy Scalp Fast

Dandruff and itchy scalp are common at any time of the year, especially during the dry winter months. While many people will experience dandruff at some point in their lives, it can be very annoying and uncomfortable. Dandruff is a scalp condition that creates white or yellow flakes. You might see the flakes on your […]

Different Colored Shampoos for Different Hair Colors
Featured, Hair Care, Hair Styles, Hair Tips, Hair Trends, Keranique, Keranique Products

Different Colored Shampoos for Different Hair Colors

While many people are familiar with purple shampoo for blonde or silver hair, did you know there is also a blue shampoo? Blue shampoo has a very similar concept, but it works well for brunettes and those with darker colored hair. It helps remove brassiness and can make you feel like you just stepped out […]

Keranique Scalp Nourishing Shampoo
Keranique Products, Keranique Reviews

Keranique Curl Preserve: The Best Product for Curly Hair

There are many kinds of curly hair types out there and it can be difficult to find a product that brings out your best curls. Along with the many different curl types, there are also many different types of products for those curl types. Products that are recommended by stylists include creams, gels, custards, shampoos, […]