When you’re walking down the street, you are sure to find at least a couple people sporting bangs. There are many different types of bangs that you can choose from depending on which style you prefer and how much time you are willing to put into styling them. If you’re interested in trying out bangs at your next hair appointment, keep these tips in mind.

Do: A Trial Run 

Similar to trying clothes on before buying them, you can try bangs out before making the commitment or hair appointment. You can find clip-in bangs online and in some stores for purchase. This is a convenient first step if you are playing around with the idea of bangs, or they are an alternative to making the commitment of changing your look altogether. This also helps you decide on the style you may want when you go to sit in the salon chair.

Don’t: Cut Them Yourself 

Especially if this is the first time you have ever had bangs, don’t reach for the scissors so quickly. You may be shocked at how difficult it is to cut bangs the right way, so this is best left to a professional. The next time you get a trim, consult with your hairdresser and ask them the questions you have about trimming your own bangs to make sure it goes smoothly. 

Do: Use Dry Shampoo 

Having bangs means that they are in or around your face for most of your day. This most likely will lead to your bangs appearing more oily than the rest of your hair and they’ll need to be treated  accordingly. Dry shampoo helps your hair in between washes which means it will help your bangs as well while preventing over washing. You can even just wash your bangs in the morning while you are washing your face. Use a hydrating shampoo so that you don’t over dry your hair that’s being cleansed every day.

Don’t: Just go for the most popular bang style 

Any hairstyle and texture can support the bangs look. That being said, different styles of bangs are better suited for different face shapes. When it comes to bangs there are countless styles, so pick a couple that you like and ask your stylist what style will best compliment your natural beauty. 

Do: Be Patient 

Say you have never had bangs before and this is your first time, that’s great! Though if you find yourself looking in the mirror unhappy with how they initially look, you are not alone. Changing your hair style can be hard and you may be uncertain about your decision at first.

Don’t: Underestimate your bangs 

If you really want to make this change to your hair, be prepared. Bangs are quite a high maintenance style when it comes to upkeep. Sometimes you need to play around with them in order to style them for the day, and they never look the same when you wake up in the morning. You may also find yourself needing trims more often to keep your bangs out of your eyes.

Bangs add a little something extra to your hair style and it’s exciting to try a new style. Check inspirations and how people with similar texture to your own hair wear their bangs. This will come in handy when you are deciding if you want to take the bang leap or not. 

Are you looking to add bangs to your hairstyle but are unsure how to keep up with them? Keranique offers a variety of hair care products to help you take your hair to the next level. Check out our products page to see the wide selection of products we provide our customers to help cater to their hair care needs and goals.

If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends and family who may also want to know what to do or not to be when they have bangs. 

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