Moisturized hair is healthier hair. And we all want that. Just as our skin can get dry, and look refreshed after applying some lotion to it, the same goes for our hair. Although we don’t use lotion, there are other methods to quenching your thirsty locks.

When hair is dry it becomes brittle and easier to damage. Split ends, and breakage are your hair’s enemy, and moisture can help keep that to a minimum. You’ve probably seen the difference throughout the stages of your own hair. When it is well moisturized, it looks healthy, shiny and soft. And the fact is, it doesn’t just look healthier – it is healthier.
Well moisturized hair can be more manageable and easier to style. The last thing you want to do with dry, brittle hair is put a hot iron on it. And although it is best to avoid too much heat on your hair whenever possible, if you must, it is better to start with a healthy, moisturized, scalp and head of hair.
While it may not look like it on TV, a lot of people fight dry, frizzy hair on a daily basis. This is especially true during the summer months when heat and humidity combine with beach salt, extra sun, and chlorine to give you hair trouble. Instead of soft, luxurious locks, they have to deal with split ends, the frizzies, and lifeless hair. If you are sick and tired of fighting with your dry hair, we have some tips to help you get the frizz out, and the softness and bounce back into your hair.
Is Summer the Worst for Dry Hair?

Summer does tend to be the season of the dry frizzies, because of the sun, the surf, and sea salt. People also tend to use hair products that contain alcohol, rather than continuing to use those products their hair has gotten accustomed to. However, dry hair is not only a problem in summer. The winter months can cause hair to be abnormally dry because there is less humidity in the air, and we spend more time inside where there is little moisture. If you have allergies, you may find that fall or spring is difficult as well, because people with allergies take medicine that may dry out the hair and scalp. However, it’s important to remember that if your hair is thinning or you are losing your hair, it could be due to an underlying health issue. As always, you should see your doctor to get to the root cause of your health and hair problems.
Your Daily Routine May Be Drying Out Your Hair
Styling Products
Think about how you treat your hair on a regular basis, and you may be surprised to learn that what you do to your hair may be causing it to dry out. Styling products, although helpful, are often full of alcohol. The alcohol dries quickly on our hair, which is why we like it! But it is also drying out your hair in the process. We can’t give up these products completely, but we can cut back or limit them.
Smoothing Treatments and Shampoo
You can dry out your hair through smoothing treatments and using the wrong shampoo for your hairstyle. Unfortunately, trying to tame the frizzies with smoothing, can end up leaving your smooth hair thirsty. And grabbing just any old shampoo is not wise. Talk with your stylist about which one is best for your hair type. Your shampoo, if not the right one, can dry out your hair, leading to frizz, and damage.
Conditioner may be one of the first things you think of when it comes to moisturizing your hair. That makes sense since after washing our hair, when we apply the conditioner, we can feel the difference. Hair becomes softer, and tangle free… and that is a good thing. However, conditioner is finicky, or rather our hair can be. Too much leaves our hair feeling greasy and weighed down. Too little leave sour ends dry and brittle.
Just like your shampoo, make sure you are using a conditioner suited to your hair type. And if you aren’t conditioning at all, for fear of weighing your hair down, talk to your stylist about what you can use. Even thin or fine hair needs moisture.
Brushing your hair too much or too roughly
If you grew up in the days of the Brady Bunch, then Marsha probably taught you to brush your hair hundreds of strokes every day. If you didn’t grow up with the Brady Bunch, I’m so sorry. And I am sorry to tell you, Marsha was incorrect.
Brushing does stimulate the oils in your scalp which is a good thing. But too much of a good thing is seldom good. We can over brush our hair, or worse yet, brush too roughly, and that causes damage. If you are noticing a lot of breakage or drying out of your hair, consider brushing only when necessary.
Turn Off The Heat
Sometimes the hardest for us to hear, because we love to speed up the drying process. Your hairdryer is not your hair’s friend. There is no need to be drastic and throw it away. Our hair dryers have their place and are sometimes a necessity. Just think about how often you are blowing that hot, drying air right onto your scalp and hair.
You may be able to pull back and choose wisely as to when your hair really needs the blow dryer, and when it could just as easily air dry. Air drying gives it a very welcome rest from the hot air.
And speaking of hot – how about those curling irons and flat irons? You guessed it – also drying and damaging. Just like the blow dryer, try not to use it every single day. Give your hair a break once in a while. Just like you need a Netflix and chill now and then, so does your hair.
Also, don’t turn the temp up on your irons any more than necessary. The lower the better. You can also try a cooler setting on your blow dryer if it has one.
Ditch The Towel
Since we were little girls, we have been practicing the perfect twist on our bath towel, as we exit the shower, hanging our head upside down, then flipping it back, towel tightly in place on our head. We can’t wait to get that dripping wet hair off of our heads. Unfortunately, we have to break tradition, and let you know, that towel tightly wrapped around your hair isn’t the best thing for it.
As the towel rubs against your hair, it is creating some fabulous frizz for you. The friction is rough on your ends, and can lead to breakage. It is best to gently pat your hair dry, don’t rub it since that will have the same damaging effect as wrapping the towel around it. Leave your towel hanging over your shoulders if the dripping drives you mad.
If your hair continues to drip, just squeeze the ends with the towel once in a while.
Also, while your hair is still wet, hold off on brushing. Brushing soaking wet hair can break the ends. It needs to dry a bit and be closer to damp, rather than wet.
Do I Even Have Dry Hair?
You may be reading all of this and thinking it sounds nothing like your hair… or you may be thinking the opposite… this is my hair. It is best to find out so you can know your hair well and go from there.
If you’re not sure whether you have dry hair or not, here are some things you can look for:
- Dry hair feels rough or brittle to the touch.
- You may be able to see split ends when you look at your hair in the mirror.
- Your hair breaks easily when you style it.
- If you color your hair, the color fades quickly.
- Your hair may be more tangled than usual.
- Your hair might look limp and lifeless.
- Even if you have the right shampoo and conditioner, it doesn’t seem to be effective.
How To Care for Your Dry Hair Naturally
There are several different ways you can care for your hair to restore the look of vitality. You may want to try the Keranique Deep Hydration Scalp Stimulating Shampoo, along with the Deep Hydration Conditioner that work together to revitalize the look of dry or damaged hair, by working on the hair from the inside of the follicle out.

Also, there are products you have in your house right now, such as honey, coconut oil, and almond oil, that you can use to give yourself a great hair treatment to begin to boost up the moisture and health of your hair. You’ll want to restore moisture back into the hair shaft because that will reduce breakage as well as split ends. Restoring moisture will help restore luster and beauty to your hair as well.
Why Choose Natural Treatments?
Unfortunately, sometimes the products we choose to treat our hair can cause more damage from all of the chemicals. It isn’t always bad, but overuse of some chemicals can take its toll. There is little risk with most natural options, which often include ingredients which are even edible. We don’t suggest you nibble them off of your hair… just saying – if it’s edible it is pretty safe.
If you are able to create some hair moisturizing therapies on your own at home, with ingredients from your pantry and refrigerator, you will save a lot of money. Saving money is a great reason to try natural products you can make.
Even if not making them, but purchasing hair moisturizing treatments, look for products with natural options.
Let’s check out some do it yourself moisturizing hair treatments…
Spritzes for Dry Hair

Spritzes can be used on dry or wet hair. Some spritzes work better on wet hair, while others are great for hair that is already dry. A yummy smelling homemade spritz idea is some rose water and aloe vera juice mixed in a spray bottle. You could even add a drop of an essential oil of your choice for a more incredible, natural smelling experience. To apply a spritz for dry or damaged hair:
- Start with clean hair. Many people love to use spritzes when they get out of the bath or shower.
- If you want to use the spritz to protect your dry hair, use it before you dry your hair.
- Lightly apply the spritz all over your head. If you have natural hair, or your hair is thick and course, be sure you work the spritz through your hair.
- You can then dry and style as usual.
- If you are using a spritz at night as a hair repair, you can use more spritz than you would on wet hair, because you will wash it out in the morning.
The Benefits of Flaxseed Oil for a Spritz
A lot of people like to use flaxseed and flaxseed oil for a variety of different beauty and health treatments. A flaxseed oil spray made of flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, and vegetable glycerin may help to restore moisture in your hair. Most people like to use flaxseed oil as a spray on and leave-in product for several days at a time, especially during a period of excessive heat or stress for their hair.
Aloe Vera for Hair Spritzing
You probably already have aloe in your bathroom. Many people use aloe to soothe sunburned or damaged skin. You can also use aloe vera gel as a treatment for dry hair. You’ll need a tablespoon each of aloe vera gel, coconut oil and vitamin E oil. If you want, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the spritz as well, such as lavender. The combination of aloe vera gel and coconut oil really helps restore luster and shine to dry or damaged hair.
Another way to use aloe for a yummy smelling homemade spritz, is some rose water and aloe vera juice mixed in a spray bottle. Again, adding a drop of an essential oil of your choice will make for an incredible, natural smelling experience.
Hair Masks

If you have dry or damaged hair, you may benefit from a hair mask. Hair masks are a great way to revitalize dry or damaged hair. If you want to use a hair mask, be prepared to take a few minutes to apply a mask. Applying a hair mask is simple, and you may want to think about doing it as part of your beauty routine. You could apply a hair mask, and then do your skincare routine. You can rinse your mask off when you’re finished.
To apply a mask:
- Wash and towel dry your hair.
- Spread the mask into your hair one section at a time.
- Apply the mask from the roots to the tips of your hair.
- Cover the mask with a hot towel for at least 10 minutes.
- You can leave a hair mask on for about half an hour.
- Then rinse and style your hair as you normally do.
Banana and Almond Mask
Making a banana and almond mask is a great way to restore moisture to your hair. This mask can also restore elasticity to your hair. It smells amazing! Use one banana with one teaspoon of almond oil, mix it all up, and massage it into your hair and leave it in for 30 minutes, then rinse out. Your hair will feel wonderful, but we apologize as you may crave a banana split!
Coconut Oil and Honey Mask
Another great mask that we love for dry or damaged hair is a coconut oil and honey mask. Use ¼ cup of coconut oil with two tablespoons of honey, and mix together. Massage into your hair and leave it for 40 minutes. Then you can rinse your hair. The smell of this mixture will make you dream of summer and the tropics.
Raw Egg and Olive Oil Mask
Yes, raw egg. Eggs are full of protein and great at adding moisture to your hair. You can use an egg mask to help keep moisture into your dry hair as well. Use one raw egg and one teaspoon of olive oil. For the best results, massage the mask into your hair, and leave it in for about an hour, then rinse out.

Serums are the latest thing for skin, but people have been using serums on hair for many years. One of the benefits of serums is that they are lighter than masks and are able to penetrate your follicle more easily. The lightness of a serum makes them a great option for thinner, or weightless hair, which can be weighed down by some moisturizing treatments. Hair serum is particularly great for frizzy hair, so if you are plagued by the frizzies, you may want to give one of these serum recipes a try.
To apply serum:
- Wash your hair but don’t dry it.
- Apply serum directly to the hair.
- Put one or two drops of serum onto your hands, and then apply the serum onto the midsection of your hair, as well as the ends of your hair.
- Style as usual.
Lavender, Lemon and Chamomile Serum
To make a lavender serum, you’re going to blend a teaspoon of lavender oil, with a teaspoon of lemon oil and a teaspoon of chamomile serum. This blend helps to nourish brittle split ends, making it great for your hair if you have frizzy hair or hairs with split ends.
Argan Hair Serum
You can make this serum with a teaspoon of Argan oil, a teaspoon of macadamia oil, and a teaspoon of linseed oil. This serum works to heal damaged hair and smooths split ends as well.
After creating your delicious hair serums with oils, you may want to store them in a cool, dry place, possibly even your refrigerator. Heat and light can kill the best parts of your essential oils, so you’ll want to protect them. You can find plenty of choices online for container also.
What If I Have Naturally Coarse Hair? I’m Worried These Treatments Won’t Work
If your hair is naturally extremely coarse or thick, you may want to try a different mask for your natural hair. Shea butter used as a mask is great for restoring moisture and luster to hair that is coarse. As with other masks, be sure that your hair is clean, but not dry. Apply natural shea butter to your hair, beginning at the root, and moving to the ends. For best results, you’ll want to leave the shea butter on your hair as a masque for at least 30 minutes.

You can also use a mango and olive oil mask. You’ll want to use half a mango and a teaspoon of olive oil. As with a shea butter mask, you’ll need to leave your mask on for ½ an hour.
If you are looking for a way to establish a treatment program for your hair, to restore your dry and damaged hair, you may want to look at a line of hair care products designed to help, such as Keranique. Haircare systems will help keep you moisturized and keep you looking amazing.
Moisturize Your Hair From The Inside
Cool, clear water. Our bodies crave it as does our thirsty hair. The FDA recommends about an ounce per pound of body weight, daily. Water is great for just about everything, your hair included. Natural, inexpensive, and easy to come by, makes water an easy start to begin making your hair soft and healthy.
If you enjoy fish for dinner, or a handful of nuts for snacking, your hair is in good luck. Essential fatty acids help build up moisture all over your body. Flax seed, as mentioned above as an oil to use as a topical moisturizer for your hair, can also be ingested in other forms. Some people like to just sprinkle some on their cereal in the morning.
Masks, serums, and oils are important and a wonderful addition to your hair routine. Just remember most all of our health needs require us to put something good into our bodies.
Of course, if you have an allergy to any of the foods or ingredients mentioned above, do not use or ingest those products. Before starting any new diet, always consult with your physician.
Should I Moisturize Oily Hair?
First of all, although we never want our hair to be greasy, your oily hair is a good thing, not a bad one. You do need to remember though, oily doesn’t necessarily mean moisture.
Our oils in our hair are at the scalp, not the ends. You can have a very oily scalp, which is great for your scalp, providing moisture there, and still have dry, brittle ends, and even dry hair along the shaft.
Unfortunately for those with thinner hair, your oil in your hair may be more visible, simply because you don’t have as much hair to absorb the oil. It is more visible. No worries though! You can have oily hair and still get moisture where it is needed… and yes, you should. It is common to be afraid to moisturize when we have oily skin or oily hair. But just as you can have dry skin, even when it is shiny with oil, you may have dry hair and an oily scalp.
You can use all of the above methods, just use them in lighter amounts and less frequency. Another great option is to have a self care day now and then at home. Your hair can get a little more weighed down with extra moisture on that day, and feel great the next time you wash it and go out.
Long story short… you can have oily hair and dry, damaged hair at the same time. So, don’t skip the moisture.
Stay Healthy. Stay Beautiful.
As women, along with all of our other concerns in life, we worry about things like our hair quite a bit. There is nothing wrong with that since it is the only hair we’ve got. We look at it and deal with our hair on a daily basis. Imagine how often we think about our hair in just one day? We naturally want to look and feel our best, and protect any assets we have.
Protecting those physical assets requires purposeful exercise and nutrition. It can be tough to meet all of your daily nutritional requirements, as it is for many of us. We lead busy lives with families, homes, careers, and constant running of activities and meetings. We know what it is like to want to do what is best for yourself and your loved ones, but not being able to squeeze everything in.

It may be time to consider a nutritional supplement formulated specifically for your hair, to cover that part of your health. We all need one less thing to worry about. KeraViatin might relieve your concern for your hair’s health needs. Always consult with your physician first when starting a new supplement.
Remember that there is more to you than your hair. Take care of yourself in every way – spiritually, emotionally, and physically, and most things in life like will seem to fall into place… including your moisturized hair.