Just when you think you have a handle on your hair, Old-Man Winter rolls in and saddles you with tresses that are dry, brittle and full of static. With proper protection, moisture and maintenance, you can keep your hair looking and feeling luscious during the harsh winter months.

Keeping Moisture Locked In

Going outside is not the only threat to your hair in the winter. You also have to contend with the drying effects of indoor forced hair heat. The trick to combating dryness and breakage is to protect the hair by sealing in moisture.

  • Switch to a moisturizing conditioner. If you have fine or thin hair, apply a regular moisturizing conditioner each time you shampoo. Using heavy conditioners on thin hair will only weigh it down and make it look flat and lifeless.  Instead, opt for a lightweight conditioner.   If your hair is thick or curly, a regular conditioner may not be enough to penetrate the hair shaft and keep the dryness at bay. Using a deep conditioning packet once or twice a week is a better option for keeping thick tresses properly moisturized.
  • Mist a dry oil spray. Spraying a little dry oil on your hair can offer a layer of protection from the cold. These silicone-based sprays go on dry without weighing your hair down. You can supplement this treatment by rubbing a small amount of olive, safflower or Moroccan oil on your hair between shampoos.
  • Wear a scarf or hat. The combination of whipping winds and freezing temperatures can zap moisture out of your hair, and cause brittleness and breakage. So don’t go outside without wearing a scarf or hat to protect it. Head wear comes in many styles and colors, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding a few you like.

Static Be Gone

Hair tends to be at its driest during the winter. Dryness attracts a positive electrical charge and leads to static. While static certainly is annoying, controlling it is relatively simple.

  • Apply styling cream. Instead of applying gel to the hair to control the mass of fly-a-ways caused by static, use a styling cream. Unlike gel, a cream will add moisture and make the hair more pliable. When your hair is more flexible, it is less likely to break, which is a plus when it’s cold. Also, make certain any cream you use on your hair does not contain alcohol. This substance only adds to the issue of dryness.
  • Use a dryer sheet. These little sheets are not just for keeping your socks from sticking to your sweaters when you do laundry, they are also good for taming static in the hair. Simply rub a dryer sheet lightly over your hair to get rid of bothersome static.
  • Use a hot oil treatment. In addition to your regular conditioning routine, apply a weekly hot oil treatment your hair to help preserve moisture and prevent static from taking over.
  • Apply hairspray to your brush. Spray a light burst of hairspray on your hairbrush and brush your hair from the roots to the ends. The hairspray will keep the static from building up on your hair when you wear a hat. A boar bristle brush with a wooden handle works best for hair that’s prone to static.
  • Give your hair dryer a rest. A blow dryer intensifies dryness and makes your hair more vulnerable to static. So instead of using a blow dryer on your hair, let it air dry.

You don’t have to let Old-Man Winter beat your tresses down with static and dryness. By using a combination of the products and techniques listed above, you can fight back against the damage cold weather can do to your hair.

To learn more, visit Keranique, on Amazon.

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