Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, Thinning Hair

Hair in The Drain? Get Help Keeping Your Hair

Fear of losing our hair isn’t about vanity. Our relationship with our locks has been ongoing since childhood, and seeing fallen strands piling up after we brush, comb or shampoo is never easy. Losing some hair is natural, but when there isn’t as much growing in as there is falling out, that can cause thinning […]

Hair Care, Hair loss, Keranique, Keranique Products, Thinning Hair

The Fascinating Story Behind Minoxidil for Hair Regrowth

What makes Keranique’s hair regrowth treatment so unique is the ingredient with which it is formulated. The treatment contains 2% minoxidil, the only FDA-approved ingredient that is clinically proven to aid in the women’s hair regrowth process. Surprisingly, before realizing its power to aid in hair regrowth, minoxidil was originally used as a medication to […]

Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Products, Keranique Reviews, Thinning Hair

Anti-Age Your Hair with Keranique

As we age, women can experience hair loss just as men do, called female pattern baldness. Fortunately, researchers have identified ways to combat hair loss. Minoxidil is the only FDA approved, clinically proven ingredient to aid in the hair regrowth process for women. Keranique’s treatment has 2% minoxidil, which means your hair will begin to […]

Hair Care, Hair loss, Keranique, Keranique Products, Thinning Hair

Hair Loss on The Top Of Your Head: There Is Hope

Experiencing hair loss is common for women—you are not alone. Many women see hair loss on the top of their head specifically. Because hair regrowth takes time, you may become discouraged after several weeks of using hair regrowth products without seeing results. Hair loss happens over time, and the rate at which you lose and […]

Shampoo for Women's Haiar Loss
Hair Care, Hair loss, Keranique, Keranique Products, Thinning Hair

How Keranique’s Shampoo and Conditioner Supports Healthy Hair

Using shampoos with sulfates in them can be very damaging to hair and should be avoided whenever possible. Sulfates can rid your hair of natural, necessary oils that protect and maintain healthy growth and fall cycles. Keranique’s shampoo and conditioner supports healthy hair and may even help slow down the rate at which hair falls […]

Hair Care, Hair loss, Keranique, Keranique Products, Keranique Reviews, True Life: I Use Keranique

Rebecca’s Story of Hair Loss and Regrowth

Hair loss can be an emotional journey, and sharing your story can feel embarrassing if you feel alone in the process. Millions of women suffer from either thinning hair or hair loss. Women should be encouraged to talk about their experiences and journeys, allowing them to learn from others’ experiences. The faster you face your […]

Keranique Products, Thinning Hair

What Does Dihydrotestosterone Do to Your Hair?

Thinning hair can occur as a result of so many factors, but often, it can be traced back to one element. A naturally occurring chemical in your body called DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, can be triggered by external or internal factors to make your hair follicles shrink until the hair falls out. Fortunately, the Keranique Deep Hydration Scalp […]