Hair loss is a concern that affects millions of women worldwide. From thinning hair to noticeable shedding, it can be a source of distress and impact your self-esteem. Understanding the common causes of hair loss is essential in identifying potential triggers and seeking effective remedies. We’re exploring some of the primary factors that contribute to hair loss in women so you’re better informed to take control of your hair health!

1. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes play a significant role in hair growth and loss. Fluctuations in hormone levels during pregnancy, childbirth and menopause can cause temporary hair shedding. The hormonal condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also contribute to hair loss due to an imbalance of androgen hormones. If you suspect hormonal factors are at play, consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine the best course of action.

2. Genetics

Genetic predisposition is another common cause of hair loss in women. Female pattern hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is characterized by gradual thinning of the hair and is influenced by your genetics. If you have a family history of hair loss, it increases the likelihood that you may experience it too. Recognizing the signs early and implementing a treatment plan can help slow down or manage the progression of hair loss.

3. Stress and Emotional Factors

Emotional and psychological stress can have a significant impact on hair health. High-stress levels trigger a condition called telogen effluvium, leading to excessive hair shedding. Emotional stressors, such as traumatic events or chronic anxiety, can also disrupt your hair growth cycle. Implementing stress-management techniques, such as exercise, meditation, and seeking support from loved ones, can help minimize the impact of stress on hair health.

4. Nutritional Deficiencies

A balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals is crucial for healthy hair growth. Deficiencies in key nutrients like iron, zinc, biotin, and vitamin D can contribute to hair loss. Iron deficiency, in particular, can lead to a condition called iron-deficiency anemia, which can affect hair health. Ensuring a well-rounded diet that includes foods like leafy greens, eggs, nuts and lean meats can help support optimal hair growth.

5. Medical Conditions and Treatments

Certain medical conditions and treatments can cause hair loss in women. Autoimmune disorders like alopecia areata cause the immune system to attack hair follicles, leading to patchy hair loss. Thyroid imbalances, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, can also disrupt the hair growth cycle. Additionally, undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer can result in temporary hair loss. 

6. Hair Styling Practices and Products

Excessive use of heat styling tools, tight hairstyles and harsh hair products can damage your  hair, leading to breakage and hair loss. Avoiding tight ponytails, braids and hairstyles that put excessive tension on the hair is essential. Opting for gentle hair care products and limiting heat styling can help protect the hair and minimize damage.

Understanding the common causes of hair loss in women is the first step toward addressing what may be impacting your hair health. No matter what may be causing your hair to thin, each factor requires a tailored approach. Remember, you’re not alone in your hair loss journey. With the right knowledge, support and appropriate action, you can take control of your hair health and regain your confidence. 

13 thoughts on “Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

    • Keranique Hair says:

      Hi Deloris, thank you for contacting Keranique. We have cancelled future shipments for you. Your Product Specialists are happy to support you Monday through Friday from 9am-9pm EST at (888)237-4131. Thank you

  1. Emily T Autry says:

    I went thru chemo treatments about 5 years ago and my hair is growing back it’s about shoulder length maybe a little bit longer, all I want is for my hair to grow longer my hair is not falling out or it’s not thinning.

    • Keranique Hair says:

      Hi Emily, we hope you’re well!! We have a wide range of healthy hair products designed to support your scalp and all types and textures of hair. We would love the opportunity to discuss your goals with Keranique so we can better customize the line to suit your needs. Your Product Specialists are happy to support you Monday through Friday from 9am-9pm EST at (888)237-4131. Thank you

    • Keranique Hair says:

      Hi Pat, thank you for using Keranique. For regrowth, consistency is key. Using Keranique Regrowth Treatment twice a day, every day is vital for seeing new growth. Some users notice some results in as little as 2 to 4 months, but to see best results, it can take from 6 months up to a year. Once you’ve experienced initial results, you will continue to see improvement in your hair. We understand hair regrowth takes time and isn’t always your only concern, which is why we have a full line of products to address any hair type and concern. We would love the opportunity to discuss your goals with Keranique so we can better assist you with customizing Keranique to meet those goals. Your Product Specialists are happy to assist you Monday through Friday from 9am-9pm EST at (888)237-4131. Thank you

    • Keranique Hair says:

      Hi Debbie, we hope all is well with your health. We recommend checking with your physician prior to using Keranique Regrowth Treatment with 2% Minoxidil to ensure that it is the right fit for you. Keep in mind, Keranique Regrowth Treatment contains the only ingredient FDA approved to regrow your hair. We offer a wide range of healthy hair products suitable for all types and textures of hair. Thank you

    • Keranique Hair says:

      Hi Diane, we are sorry to hear that you have yet to receive your shipment. Upon checking the status of your shipment, it looks as though the address provided was off a digit. We’ve corrected the address on file and reshipped your package. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Your Product Specialists, we are happy to assist you Monday through Friday from 9am-9pm EST at (888)237-4131. Thank you

  2. Carol Goldstein says:

    I started keranique hair products two years ago. The top back of my hair got thin, and I was getting a bald spot. As of about one month ago, I’m not losing hair when I wash it, and I have no more balding spot. I’ve been very consistent, for 2 years, and it’s finally paid off. Thank you sooooo much!

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