Is your hair always in a ponytail? If that’s the case, do you know what you could be doing to your scalp if this is your go-to hairstyle? Continue reading if you would like to know what could really happen if you wear your hair up in a tight style too much. 


Maybe your head starts to hurt if your hair is up too long? This is because wearing your hair up too much or too often can cause migraines. Migraines are caused by a variety of different factors, but your ponytail can be the culprit. When you put your hair up, you are pulling on the nerves around your head, which is irritating for some. The constant pulling then causes pain, leading to migraines. 

Neck Tension 

Similar to how tying your hair back can lead to migraines, it can cause tension in your neck as well. If you tie your hair up in a tight, high pony every day you are pulling on the nerves around your scalp. This constant pulling causes stimulation pain, which can result in a tense neck. 

Hair Breakage 

Wearing your hair up is one of the easiest ways to damage and break your hair. The constant pulling and tension on your scalp allows your hair to weaken from the root. Over time, your hair will begin to split and break. The hair that frames your face is some of the weakest hair on your head, and the constant pulling will inevitably lead to hair thinning and loss, also known as traction alopecia. 

Creates Tangles and Knots

Many people believe putting their hair up will help reduce knots and tangles. On the contrary, when your hair is in a ponytail, friction and tension keeps the hair locked in that style. This is why if you leave your hair up for multiple days in a row, it will most likely lead to a knot. The friction and tension allow your hair to get all tangled and twisted ending in a knot. 

Sometimes, your job requires you to keep your hair tied tightly back. If this is the case, make sure to let your hair down in a loose style after work. You can also consider trying out Keranique’s Damage Control Shampoo and Conditioner or you can try brushing your hair out with a wide comb until some knots are out. 

It Leaves Dents

Wearing your hair up for too long creates dents in your hair when you finally take it down. The longer you leave your hair up, the more of a crease you are going to be dealing with later. If you have your hair up all day and then take it down to go out, you will have an unsightly dent that spans the crown of your head. Instead of having to walk around with a crease in our hair, try to take breaks from the ponytail to avoid this effect. 

Your Skin Might Stretch

While this is rare, tying your hair up in a high ponytail every day from a young age could cause some premature sagging later on. As you pull it back, you are pulling on your scalp and skin, which can cause your skin to begin to lose its elasticity. If this does end up happening, it will most likely make you appear older than you actually are. If you have to have your hair up, consider limiting how often you style your hair in high and tight ponytails and opt for more low and loose.

Scalp May Start to Hurt

Your scalp starting to hurt should be a warning sign for the headaches you will get soon after. This is because scalp pain in this case is caused by the same pulling of your hair that is triggering the nerves on your scalp. Every time you pull your hair back and up, you are pulling on the nerve endings attached to each piece of hair on your scalp, which is why you begin to get headaches or migraines. 

Development of Hair Loss

Hair loss, or alopecia, is sometimes caused by constant hair pulling. It occurs when there is tension applied to your hair. Warning signs of hair loss caused by pulling are small bumps on your scalp, tenderness, or crusting on your scalp. Alopecia can be stopped if you begin to not wear your hair up every day. If you experience this, avoid wearing your hair in any tight styles for an extended period of time, and try using scalp nourishing hair products, like those offered by Keranique. 

If you have been experiencing any of these effects, try not wearing your hair up as much. See if eliminating the tension on your scalp helps. You don’t need to give up putting your hair up forever, maybe just make it a twice a week thing instead of every day. 

If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends and family who may also be wearing their hair up too much. 

This article is not intended to treat any disease or offer a substitution for professional medical advice.

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