Have you ever received a scalp massage at a salon? It feels so luxurious and relaxing! If you are still avoiding the salon or simply want a scalp massage at home, it is easy to do yourself. You can give yourself a scalp massage or enlist your partner to give you one. Here are some tips:

If your hair is very dirty, try massaging with oil before you jump in the shower. Use a hair oil and start rubbing a small amount into your hair and your scalp. It can help prevent breakage and get rid of extra grease in your hair. This can be very beneficial after a tough workout!

If you prefer to give yourself a scalp massage while you shampoo and condition, be sure to be gentle. Avoid using your nails because scratching your scalp can irritate it and even lead to infection. When your hair is wet, start in one place and work your way around your entire head in a circular motion. Use whatever pressure you enjoy.

Focus on your hairline to make sure your hair gets really clean. Don’t forget to massage the back of your head and your neck. This will feel so good because we tend to carry a lot of tension there.

To make it an even more relaxing experience, use a lavender essential oil to help you relax. Warm water can also help to relax your muscles. Some reports even say that regular scalp massage can make your hair grow faster. It is worth a shot! When is the last time you got a scalp massage? I bet you’ll try one the next time you take a shower!

If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends and family who could use a good scalp massage!

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