woman in front of a pink background tugging at a lock of hair
Hair Tips, Keranique, Keranique Reviews, Social Love, Thinning Hair, True Life: I Use Keranique

Women Share Stories of Damaged Hair on Instagram

For most women, damaged hair is something they will have to deal with at some point in their lives. We’ve made it our mission to empower, encourage and embrace women to open up and share their hair struggles. Through doing so, we have aimed to create a community of women who now feel beautiful and […]

Hair Care, Keranique Products, Keranique Reviews

Keranique’s Best Moisturizing Hair Products

With Keranique’s wide selection of hair products, you may be wondering just which ones are the best at hydrating hair. With winter right around the corner, all women should be taking precautionary steps to get their hair in the best shape possible before the cold, dry spell hits. Though Winter is on our minds right […]

Hair loss, Hair Tips, Keranique Reviews, Thinning Hair, True Life: I Use Keranique

Cameran Eubanks On How Keranique Helped Her Postpartum Hair Loss

Proud partner of Keranique and new mother to a beautiful baby girl, Southern Charm’s Cameran Eubanks, is proud to share her postpartum hair loss experience. Since giving birth to her baby girl, Palmer, she has been open and honest about the “ugly” sides of motherhood. Postpartum hair loss is real and happens to thousands of […]

Postpartum Hair Loss
Hair Care, Hair loss, Hair Tips, Thinning Hair

Postpartum and Losing Hair: You Are Not Alone

You may have noticed that while you were pregnant, your hair felt much thicker and even lustrous. It’s not your imagination, it’s a sweet little pregnancy gift in the form of natural hormone spikes. Estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, oxytocin, hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone), hPL (Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone), along with a rise in your blood […]