Have you recently given birth to a child and experiencing some odd changes with your hair? We understand how this can be a very stressful time, but dealing with your hair shouldn’t be. Having a baby should be one of the best moments in your life. The last thing you want to be concerned about is postpartum hair loss.
What’s interesting about the process of childbirth is that your body goes through tremendous changes and some of these changes are long-term. One particular change in physical chemistry is postpartum hair loss. Hormones and chemicals in the body are super-charged during pregnancy. When the pregnancy is over, these hormones and chemicals go through a temporary imbalance. If you are concerned about your hair’s condition after childbirth, it’s good to know this is usually a normal and natural process. That’s why we have provided you with this complete guide to postpartum hair regrowth so you can enjoy being a mother while still maintaining luxurious hair.
What is Postpartum Hair Loss and Why Does it Happen?
Hair loss after pregnancy is mostly about balancing hormones and your body’s process of readjusting itself after having a child. You see, while you are pregnant, your body experiences a surge of estrogen and other extraordinary changes. This accelerated hormone production rate during pregnancy may even result in thicker, longer, more lustrous hair. Many mothers report their hair was at its peak of beauty and strength while pregnant. So what happens after you give birth? Why does hair sometimes become weak or even fall out or after childbirth?
Hormones and Postpartum Hair Loss
The truth is, this is a natural process in which your body is going through a stage of re-balancing itself. After giving birth, you may be alarmed by the amount of hair clumping and loss. But typically, there is no reason to fear this change in your hair. Changes in hair after birth is usually caused because the boost in estrogen and hormones has dropped off because those chemicals are no longer needed to sustain your health while you were carrying a child. Where you may have been accustomed to thick, strong, sensual locks during pregnancy, the aftereffects of having your child might have caused a very sudden impact on the condition of your hair. It may seem like a traumatic change or loss of hair, but in actuality, it is just that your hair is likely going through these transitions very suddenly, which can come as a bit of a shock.
What to Expect From Postpartum Hair Loss

Normally, the impacts of pregnancy and childbirth on hair loss will take effect within a few days after the birth of your child. You may continue to see more hair on your brush or continued loss up to four to twelve months after childbirth. But this is no cause for panic. As stressful as this might seem, there is no cause for anxiety if you experience changes in your hair after childbirth.
Eventually, you may see fine fuzzy hair regrowing, especially around the crow on your hair. These wispy, slight hairs are sometimes called ‘baby bangs,’ and they can sometimes be quite frizzy. Although this fuzzy hair growth might not be what you want or expect from postpartum hair regrowth, it should be welcomed because it is a sign your hair is recovering and will eventually get back to normal.
It’s important to understand that your body has gone through an epic experience of birthing a child, and your hair is going to reflect those huge changes in your body and lifestyle. Here are a few tips to help you regain hair growth and confidence as you go through the process of postpartum changes to your hair.
Cleaning and Styling Tips for Regrowing Hair After Childbirth
The good news is, hair loss after childbirth does not have to be permanent. The better news is you can take steps now to preserve your hair and avoid further loss. Here are a few tips for postpartum hair regrowth that will contribute to your confidence and hair care.
Handle Damp Hair With Care After Childbirth

Hair can be weak and brittle after pregnancy. That means your best bet is to treat your hair gently to retain the growth you have. After you wash your hair, take tender-loving care. Be patient with tangles and never tug or plow through your hair. This will only increase the chances of loss or hair damage.
Also, consider using a wet brush to untangle your hair after washing softly. A wet brush can help loosen knots in your hair as well as decrease pulling and damages. We know having a baby can be taxing, and you might feel rushed, but maintaining your quality of hair with this one tip will reap long-term benefits that help your hair look its best.
Avoid Over-Styling During Postpartum Hair Regrowth
We know you want to look your best at all times. That can be especially true after the birth of a child. But over-styling your hair can lead to further damages your hair can’t afford right after pregnancy. Your best option is to step away from the temptation of styling your hair for a few months after childbirth. Curling irons, blow-drying, or straightening can do severe harm to your hair. The heat used from these styling tools may also accentuate a thinning appearance to your postpartum hair.
Chemical treatments, such as coloring or permanents, should also be avoided. Chemicals used in these treatments can delay the growth of your hair. You want to give your hair its best chance to regrow and get back to normal, so avoiding dyes or chemical applications will give your hair optimal conditions for regrowth after childbirth. It’s important to understand that your hair (and your body) needs recovery time after birthing a baby. Do yourself a favor and try to avoid excessive hairstyling so you can give it the best chance to regrow and regain that luxurious look and feel you want.

If you find yourself in need of a quick style, consider pulling your hair up in a messy bun. Loose buns are better than tightly pinned buns because it gives more flexibility to the hair (and causes less damage). Also, messy buns can give even thinning hair a full, fun look. This easy, casual style is a classic go-to look for just about any occasion. Or, consider a loosely fitting headband to perk up your style. Cloth headbands are most forgiving for thin or weak hair commonly experienced after childbirth. You can even don a fancy hat for your next outing! You may find your new ‘do tricks will be the talk of the town; all the while, you are preserving the integrity of your hair!
Scalp Stimulation for Hair Regrowth
If you think about it, your scalp is the source of hair follicles, which means it is a foundation for better, more beautiful hair growth. According to Healthline.com, stimulating the scalp can increase hair growth and thickness because it energizes hair follicles. Hair follicles are like tiny pores in your scalp, and when energized, circulation is activated, which leads to thicker hair. This means you can begin rejuvenating your hair health from the source. Stimulating blood circulation at the scalp has proven to augment hair growth.
Give your hair and scalp a much-needed gift by gently brushing your hair every morning with a natural bristled brush. This one simple step can work wonders towards your goal of regaining hair growth after childbirth. Also, consider using a scalp stimulator and tenderizer. It should be replete with vital nutrients and energizing compounds that enhance the scalp, beautify your hair, and produce the volume and strength you desire.

A Clean Scalp Leads to Better Hair Regrowth
In addition to stimulating the scalp, you should also keep it clean. This might seem like common sense, but it might be tempting to skip hair washing while you are tending to your new baby’s needs. Do your best to care for your hair by washing it regularly to keep a clean scalp. Dry, dead skin cells can build up on the scalp, which clogs hair follicles. Residue from sweat, conditioners, or old shampoo can also contribute to follicle-clogging. Washing your hair regularly can keep your scalp clean and clear of buildups, so your follicles are free to bring forth new growth.
Nutrient Tips For Postpartum Hair Regrowth
If you are dealing with postpartum hair renewal, it is essential to nourish your hair with the right nutrients. Right after the birth of a child, you might forget to take care of yourself, and that’s understandable. However, a key tip to postpartum hair regrowth is sticking to a consistent health regime.
Multivitamins and Supplements for Hair Growth After Childbirth

Part of a healthy hair growth regimen entails taking multivitamins to ensure your hair retains its luster and strength. Studies show you may also benefit from continuing to take prenatal vitamins after giving birth, as these help balance hormone levels. Essential nutrients your hair requires after childbirth include: Amino acids, biotin, vitamin B, and silica. It’s also important to note that getting the full spectrum of nutrients your hair needs is mostly attained by following a proper diet. As a new mother, it might be tough to establish a well-balanced diet. That’s why you might want to consider Keranique’s KeraViatin specialized supplement. This is a highly dense nutrient formula packed with the key elements you need for postpartum hair regrowth.
Foods That Help With Postpartum Hair Regrowth
If you want to ensure your hair will grow back as beautiful as it looked before childbirth, your best choice may be giving your body nutrition in whole foods. Foods packed with phytonutrients such as dark, leafy greens, whole grains, and beans are considered ‘superfoods’ because they supplant your body (and your hair) with big benefits that can help you recover your overall health to maximum capacity. Also, consider incorporating green tea into your daily regimen as this helps stimulate blood flow and helps recover hair loss. There is a myriad of health benefits from eating whole foods, taking supplements, and drinking specialized teas.
Studies from our medical consultants at Keranique reveal that a diet rich in whole foods and plenty of phytonutrients can positively affect postpartum hair regrowth. Here are a few ‘superfoods’ that are highly beneficial for reaching your postpartum hair regrowth goals.
Collagen: Collagen is a protein that is essential to aid in sustaining connective tissue. It is also the protein that is found in most of your hair. Collagen increases blood circulation to your scalp and assists hair follicles in producing new hair growth. This protein is vital for repairing thinning hair, and it also helps protect hair from future loss. Some sources of collagen are found in fish, berries, garlic, and some citrus fruits. You can also take a collagen supplement, which might help with your beauty routine.
Protein: Your hair is mostly composed of protein. That means you must intake protein to re-stabilize postpartum hair growth. Good sources of protein are lean meats such as chicken. Fish is your best source as it has added benefits of Omega oils that boost supple effects on skin, scalp, and hair. If you are vegan or vegetarian, there are protein alternatives for you. For example, a whole grain such as quinoa has proven to be a good protein substitute for non-meat diets. You might also add tofu, beans, chickpeas, nuts, and seeds to your diet. All of these are power-packed with proteins that can help you get your hair back on a healthy track.
Vitamins C, A, and E: These vitamins are crucial to your hair’s sustainability and nourishment. They help keep your hair thick, lustrous and growing even after childbirth. You can take supplements, as most over-the-counter products will give you the proper USDA daily serving of vitamins. However, your best approach is to seek out these essential vitamins through whole foods. When it comes to focusing on postpartum hair regrowth, you might be better served by taking vitamins C, A, and E through foods such as Sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, fish, nuts, and legumes.
Top Products That Can Help With Postpartum Hair Loss
We understand that postpartum hair regrowth can be challenging, as well as frustrating. If you are experiencing unwanted changes to your hair after childbirth or even hair loss, a few products can help with thickening, strengthening, and hair regrowth.
Shampoos That Can Help Hair Regrowth After Childbirth
According to the American Association of Dermatology, not all shampoos are created equally for new moms. They recommend using a volumizing shampoo after childbirth to help your hair normalize and regain thickness. These shampoos contain unique ingredients such as collagen proteins, biotin, and vitamins that specifically target your hair and allows for better volume and thickness. These proteins and ingredients coat your hair transforming it from fine or limp into a thicker, more luxurious look. When it comes to giving your hair its best chance for vitality and vibrancy, consider the variety of Keranique shampoos available. Keranique shampoos are artfully designed to enhance your hair regrowth and give you the ‘do you deserve.

All that said, watch out for shampoos that claim to be a “conditioning shampoo.” Although conditioning your hair helps regrowth (and we will talk about that in a minute), a conditioning shampoo or “all-in-one” shampoos that claim to clean and condition at the same time are not ideal for regrowing hair after childbirth. These shampoos should be avoided because they contain heavy ingredients that can weigh down your hair, causing a weak or wimpy look to your ‘do. These conditioning shampoos can also leave a film on your scalp that may prevent hair regrowth.
Using Conditioners for Postpartum Hair Growth

Just like shampoos, not all conditioners are created the same either. If you want to regrow your hair after childbirth, there are unique conditioning formulas designed to target postpartum hair growth. When selecting a hair conditioner after childbirth, you may want to opt for a conditioner formulated for fine hair. These are lighter conditioners that will not weigh down your hair or clog your scalp. These conditioners are also a good choice because new hair growth after childbirth can be excellent and wispy, and a fine-hair conditioner will give you the nutrients you need without burdening your hair with a heavy, creamy aftereffect.
So-called ‘intensive conditioners’ are typically not necessary for hair regrowth. These can be super heavy, and they may also contain ingredients that will prohibit hair growth. Rather than use hefty or intensive conditioners, you might be better served with a light, leave-in conditioner. Leave-in conditioners can tame your post-baby frizzes and fly-away wisps while also providing vital nutrients to your hair.
If you prefer not to use a leave-in conditioner, you may want to opt for a volumizing, hydrating conditioner. You can avoid the heavy results of a regular conditioner by applying it to just the tips of your hair to plump up dry ends. This reduces the filmy weight conditioners can leave on the scalp and eliminates weighing your hair down. You may also want to check out Keranique’s exclusive line of hair conditioners for hair regrowth. These are highly focused conditioning formulas that render excellent results in growing hair back after childbirth.
Final Thoughts About Postpartum Hair Regrowth
After bringing a new child into the world, we know hair growth should be the least of your problems. That is why we’ve done our homework to provide you these tips on postpartum hair regrowth. Many of these tips require a period of trial and error. We suggest introducing various foods, supplements, and products into your daily routine and seeing how these affect your hair growth results.

There is no single ingredient that can meet every need for your situation. However, consulting with your physician or dermatologist and introducing nutrient-dense items into your routine can make a big difference in your hair condition. Growing your hair back should not be stressful, and it can happen with proper care. We hope this article helps you on your journey to attaining luxurious, full, lustrous hair. We invite you to look closely at the variety of products from Keranique that lead to proven hair growth results for women.