Hair porosity is your hair’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. It can be important to figure out if your hair has a lower or higher porosity because it can help you with your hair concerns.

For example, if your hair is always very dry and dull, it might be because you have a high hair porosity. Your hair just loves water and soaks it up.

Basically, it can never get enough! When you have low porosity, your cuticles are very close together. When you have medium porosity, they are less tightly bound and pretty normal. When you have high porosity, your cuticles are more spaced out. Finding out your hair’s porosity can help you decide which products you need.

How To Find Your Hair’s Porosity

Here’s how to find your hair’s porosity. You can do a test at home. Take a loose strand of hair and put it in a glass of water. The idea is that if it floats, it has low porosity and if it sinks quickly, it has a high porosity. If it seems to sink slowly, you probably have a medium porosity, which is the easiest to deal with.

You can also just pay attention to how your hair acts in the water. If it takes a long time to get fully wet and dries slowly, you may have low porosity. You can also ask your hair stylist if they can determine your hair’s porosity for you. Then they can recommend products or routines to help give you your best hair ever.

Low Porosity Hair

If you have low porosity hair, you may experience more buildup than normal. Be sure to use a scalp exfoliator or a clarifying shampoo about once a week. Just use it on your scalp, where the buildup tends to gather and then condition your ends. If you have medium porosity, you are lucky because your hair tends to be pretty balanced!

High Porosity Hair

If you have high porosity hair, try using a pH-balanced shampoo and conditioner. It can help smooth and condition your hair. Generally, the porosity of your hair is caused by genetics. But if you follow a new treatment, you may be able to change it a bit and eliminate some of your hair concerns.

Have you ever heard anything about hair porosity? Do you know what type of hair porosity you have? Try the test and let us know! If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE it with your friends and family!

Some information from Healthline

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