Acne can be very frustrating. Most people are used to getting acne on their face or body, but acne can pop up on the scalp as well. Since your hair is covering it, it can be harder to treat, especially since you can’t really use the same products for scalp acne that you use for your facial or body acne. Before we go into treatment, let’s learn about what causes acne on your scalp. It is generally caused by clogged pores. Your pores may become clogged from product buildup, scalp conditions, or if your hair is routinely dirty. If you are a frequent exerciser and don’t wash your hair after a workout, you could be especially prone to scalp acne.

Your diet is also linked to acne and can cause scalp acne too. If you frequently eat poorly and notice acne popping up, try to eat healthier and see if your condition improves. Be sure to drink plenty of water too to stay hydrated.

If your scalp acne is severe, your doctor may prescribe you a medicated shampoo or treatment. Your doctor may uncover a condition that is causing the scalp acne and be able to prescribe a treatment. If your scalp acne isn’t that bad, you can try a shampoo or treatment with the following ingredients:

  1. Salicylic acid is an acne fighter that can help get rid of dead skin cells that may clog pores.
  2. Tea tree oil may help get rid of acne-causing bacteria on your scalp.
  3. Glycolic acid exfoliates the scalp and may get rid of dandruff, dead skin cells, and bacteria.
  4. Benzoyl peroxide may be prescribed for severe scalp acne to eliminate bacteria.
  5. Ketoconazole is an antifungal treatment.
  6. Ciclopirox is also an antifungal treatment.

To prevent scalp acne in the future, make sure to wash your hair frequently – especially after exercise or sweating. Don’t use a lot of hair products if you are prone to buildup and don’t wear anything tight on your head like headgear or a headband. In addition, you may need to switch up your hair care products to ones that contain some of the ingredients above. Be sure not to pick at the acne or try to pop it because this could lead to scarring and other issues. If your scalp acne is severe, talk to your doctor or a dermatologist about treatment and prevention.

Have you ever experienced scalp acne? What products help you to control, prevent, or treat it? If you found this article informative, please SHARE with your friends and family who have complained of scalp acne before!

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