Hair straighteners are amazing tools that allow those with wavy or curly hair to achieve smooth, straight locks. However, if you use them incorrectly or too often, you can ruin your hair pretty quickly. Luckily there are a few products and steps you can take to ensure straight, sleek hair without dealing with the damage.

But first, you should prep your hair with a smoothing and moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. If you need a new conditioner, try our NEW Deep Hydration Volumizing Conditioner. After you wash and condition your hair, make sure it is fully dry before you use a hair straightener. You can either air dry or use a hair dryer. If you use a hair dryer, be sure to use a heat protectant before drying. In addition, you’ll want to use the heat protectant before you straighten your hair. This can prevent damage and keep your hair softer.

Especially if you have thick hair or a lot of hair, you’ll want to section off your hair to ensure an even application of the straightener. Your best bet is to use a flat iron with ceramic tourmaline plates. These irons are better for your hair’s health and help to prevent frizz. If you have thin hair, you’ll want to use the lowest heat setting to avoid damage. You can up the temperature if you have very thick and/or coarse hair. Go slow on each section so you don’t have to go over the piece of hair several times. This can damage your hair quickly if you are going over sections of hair with heat many times.

Once you have finished straightening your hair, you should use a serum to prevent frizz and keep your hair looking smooth and silky. Make sure your hair is cooled down before applying the serum. Remember, the less you use hot tools on your hair, the less it will become dry and damaged. You should also make sure that you are staying hydrated.

If you have any questions about straightening your hair in regards to your specific hair length and type, your hair stylist should be able to help. They can also recommend products like serums or heat protectant sprays.  

Do you use a hair straightener often? Does your hair get damaged from using one? If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends and family who straighten their hair often.

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